
La Joya Residency in Spain

      At the start of the school year we were told about an exciting residency we could take part in in Spain. Of course when you think of spain, you think, sun, beach and cocktails! But this residency, it turns out, is located deep in the mountains of Andalucia. It is billed as […]

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Video Art?

A friend of a friend, who shall remain nameless (because I don’t know her name), bluntly stated to my friend that she wasn’t going  to even attempt to project her work as a video in a gallery space because what gallery would want to sell that? She choose instead to reproduce her photos on a […]

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A few weeks back our tutor put forward a potential exhibition space for us to use. It was in a basement of a pub called “The Flying Dutchman.” Having an exhibition in spaces like this is not uncommon. But what was a bit unusual was that this space was normally used for bondage and fetish […]

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Art for the masses

Our M.A essay deadline is looming. In just three weeks I have to hand it in. Over the last few years I have  dreaded these deadlines. I have often struggled to find an interesting topic – one that has enough information available in the library, while also being something relevant and current. Without fail I […]

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The Observer.

  Francis Alys’ website says very little about the artist. It simply states “Born in Belgium, 1959. Lives and works in Mexico City.” And then you are left with his videos.  His titles for his performances are called things like “Sometimes making leads to nothing” or “Don’t cross the Bridge before you get to the […]

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The Turner Prize

Ah the Turner prize. The Oscars of the art world. I didn’t quite dream about it as a kid, mainly because I was far too focused on other important matters like listening to Boyzone’s new album. Besides, the Turner Prize only really came into popular culture with the help of the YBA’s in the 90’s. […]

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