My Art

La Joya Residency in Spain

      At the start of the school year we were told about an exciting residency we could take part in in Spain. Of course when you think of spain, you think, sun, beach and cocktails! But this residency, it turns out, is located deep in the mountains of Andalucia. It is billed as […]

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Video Art?

A friend of a friend, who shall remain nameless (because I don’t know her name), bluntly stated to my friend that she wasn’t going  to even attempt to project her work as a video in a gallery space because what gallery would want to sell that? She choose instead to reproduce her photos on a […]

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A few weeks back our tutor put forward a potential exhibition space for us to use. It was in a basement of a pub called “The Flying Dutchman.” Having an exhibition in spaces like this is not uncommon. But what was a bit unusual was that this space was normally used for bondage and fetish […]

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But is it art?

      I have decided I want to have a conversation with Peckham council. Though not in the normal sense of the word. More of an argument on the street about what is art and what is graffiti. So far they seem to disagree with me that my work is art. A few weeks back, […]

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A Tenacious Love

  This is a video I just made this morning while walking through Peckham. A balloon flew across my head and I just grabbed my iphone and started to record it. It still makes me laugh even though I have been watching it all day. I haven’t edited it at all. See if you can […]

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Dear Rose

“The street tears from obscurity what is hidden, publishes what happens elsewhere, in secret; it deforms it, but inserts it in the social text” Henri lefebvre A few years ago, when I started my degree at N.C.A.D, I  came across a piece of writing on a wall in Dublin. I guess you could call it […]

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Some new art

Here is a little statement I wrote for an application to the Joya residency in Spain. I thought it would be good to add it to my blog. Below are photos of new work too!   “Much of my current practice is site-specific, external and temporary. In the last few years I have naturally found […]

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